Hypnotherapy Online

Before I trained as a hypnotherapist over twenty years ago, I used to believe that you had to have some special unique powers to be able to use it. I quickly learned that was not the case and that it is just a state of mind that we all enter into on a daily basis without realising it. Once you understand this core concept you begin to realise the potential of how hypnotherapy can help you deal with various issues.

Let’s break it down

For many people hypnosis brings to mind mental weakness, mind control, sleep, or loss of consciousness. Those are common misconceptions. In reality a hypnotised person enters a highly alert state in which the person’s focus or concentration is heightened. Achieving this state is intended to promote focus in an individual. In this focused state, a person can be more receptive to suggestions, such as quitting smoking, reducing one’s anxiety and even changing a person’s relationship with food and stress eating

If we accept the premise that hypnosis is a state of mind that can be naturally induced by a trained hypnotherapist with the client’s permission, whilst in this hypnotic state, the subconscious mind becomes accessible and hyper suggestible.  To note, you cannot be made to do anything or accept anything that you don’t want. You feel totally relaxed, calm and in control, and you hear everything the Therapist is saying. Through hypnosis it is possible to find the root cause of the issue and incorporate positive new thoughts and ideas into the subconscious.

This inevitably becomes a very powerful state of mind in which individuals can be helped to deal with a variety of psychological, physical and behavioural issues. It is very clear once it’s explained in this way as to why millions of people all around the world turn to Hypnotherapy for treatment for a variety of issues.

This is a very simplified explanation of hypnotherapy and, of course, there is much more to it than that, but this is the essence in a nutshell.

My own particular style of hypnotherapy that I employ is referred to as cognitive behavioural hypnotherapy. Integrating both hypnosis and cognitive behavioural therapy. Using these two in combination produces greater treatment effectiveness.

Is hypnosis Safe

Contrary to how hypnosis is sometimes portrayed, you don’t lose control over your behaviour while under hypnosis. Hypnosis is a natural state of relaxation and concentration, with a heightened awareness induced by suggestion. Throughout the whole process of hypnosis, the client is totally aware of what is being said and hears everything. You cannot be made to do anything against your will as a person’s own moral code will protect them from doing so. Lastly, there are no unpleasant side effects, people sometimes feel slightly dizzy after coming out of the trance state which usually lasts for a few minutes.

An ideal candidate for hypnotherapy:

It is important to understand that neither the therapist or the client will know beforehand whether or not the patient is a good hypnotic subject. Having said that, candidates must have the following qualities in order to see positive results:

  • Willing and motivated to try new methods of therapy
  • Able to maintain focus for extended periods of time
  • Average or above average intelligence
How do you find a hypnotherapist in Abu Dhabi?

Aside from reaching out to Change Therapies directly by navigating to the “contact” page of this website, you will find that medical professionals regularly incorporate hypnosis into their practices as supplementary support. Some examples are:

  • General practitioner
  • Nurses
  • Social Workers
  • Dentists
  • Dietitians

Some of the most common reasons why people turn to Hypnotherapy for treatment are:

  • Weight loss
  • Stopping smoking
  • Phobias such as fear of flying
  • Anxiety
  • Sleep issues such as insomnia
  • Depression
  • Pain Management
  • Focus & Mental Clarity
  • Drugs addiction
  • Obsessive thinking
  • PTSD
  • Public Speaking
  • Panic Attacks

This is certainly not an exhaustive list as there are many issues, psychological, behavioural and/or physical that Hypnotherapy can help with. If you are unsure whether it can help you, please reach out and we can discuss your specific needs.­­­

The process of hypnotherapy

In order to induce the ideal hypnotic state it is best if the you have quiet and comfortable surroundings. Once this is in place the next thing is to begin introducing hypnosis to the client by way of induction. An induction is a guided progressive relaxation of the body using imagery and Metaphors in order to help the client reach the desired state of relaxation.

Once the client reaches this deep state of relaxation which is very similar to when individuals are in a day dreaming state, the therapeutic work or the presenting issue can be addressed. Depending on what the presenting issue is an experienced hypnotherapist will utilize various therapeutic techniques, some of these are explored in brief below-

Suggestion Therapy

Within the field of hypnotherapy, the most used technique is suggestion therapy. As the name implies, whilst the client is in a hypnotic state, suggestions are made which the client willingly accepts. For example, “you can allow yourself write now to feel more and more at ease as every second passes”. A more powerful type of suggestion the post-hypnotic suggestion. Again, whilst the client is in a deep state of hypnosis, suggestions are made which are intended to have an effect later on outside of the hypnotic state. This method is usually used when helping clients who want to give up smoking, lose weight or deal with phobia’s,

Regression Therapy

Regression therapy is a very commonly used technique by hypnotherapist and psychotherapist. The aim of regression therapy is to resolve significant deep-seated past events which may be interfering with an individual’s present mental and emotional well-being. Sometime a client is unable to express consciously the main issue for whatever reason, in this instance the client whilst under hypnosis is taken back to a specific event or time in order to heal that wound.


Ericksonian hypnotherapy (or indirect, metaphorical hypnosis) was named after Dr Milton Erickson an American psychiatrist and psychologist. He created a unique style of hypnosis which is hallmarked by the use of indirect suggestions, storytelling and metaphor, rather than direct suggestions.

The difference between direct suggestion and indirect suggestion while eliciting hypnosis is quite powerful. For example, a direct command “your eye lids will become heavier and heavier” as opposed to an indirect suggestion “if you feel like closing your eyes please go ahead… you may even experience your eyelids becoming heavier and heavier”. The latter suggestion merely hinted at eye closure and works because there is no resistance from the conscious mind.

One of Erikson’s greatest contribution to hypnotherapy was his use of metaphor. He would tell the client a story which would be multi-layered, this would be absorbed by the conscious mind on one level, however, there would be a concealed meaning working at the subconscious level.

Erickson Therapeutic model is considered one of the most used concepts within the field of hypnotherapy. John Grinder and Richard Bandler the creators of neuro-linguistic programming (NLP) were heavily influenced by Erickson’s unique approach to helping people change.

Hypnotherapy and treating addiction

There are many types of addictions, gambling, drugs, pornography, alcohol for and food just to name a few. Hypnotherapy is just one type of treatment that is affective. There are numerous studies highlighting the benefits of hypnotherapy in treating addictions. Hypnosis helps strengthen an individual’s willpower aiding them to use their best judgment in dealing with urges and cravings. The hypnotic state decreases a person’s peripheral awareness, heightening attention to effectively alter the neurophysiological networks capable of rewiring certain patterns and conditioning (Häuser W, Hagl M, Schmierer A, Hansen E) 2016. Which basically means that feelings and behaviour continue to be influenced after the individual has come out of the trance.

Feel free to reach out to discuss if hypnotherapy is the way forward for you.

I help individuals and couples deal with various types of emotional pain, ranging from couples dealing with relational distress to individuals going through depression, panic attacks, obsessive compulsive disorder and anxiety.

change therapies

“Most people walk through the world in a trance of disempowerment, our work is to transform that into a trance of empowerment”

– Dr Milton Erickson

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